Veteran Families

Support for Veterans and their families

The challenges faced by Veteran Families

Veteran families face a range of challenges that may differ from that of the average Australian household.  

Whether you or your family member is thinking of exiting the Australian Defence Force, in transition, or have been in a new chapter of your life for while, we understand the challenges you and your family could be facing. 

In addition to the challenges that existed during your family members’ military service, when transitioning and exiting the ADF, veteran family members and spouses walk alongside our service men and women as they integrate into civilian life, making them key to their support network. 

At Provocatus, we understand these difficulties.  
Our mission is to improve veteran health outcomes by supporting patients, families and healthcare teams to manage the impact of service-related health conditions. 

Australian Veteran and his young baby

Looking after yourself as a Veteran Family member or Veteran Spouse 

Being a veteran spouse or family member can be tough, impacting your finances, physical health, and mental well-being.  

It’s important to look after yourself by staying active, practicing relaxation techniques, keeping in touch with friends, and seeking professional support when needed.  

Taking care of your well-being helps you stay strong and better support your loved one. 

Remember, your health matters too.  

When you’re able to prioritize your own health, you’ll be better equipped to handle the challenges that come your way. 

Staying active

Staying active is crucial for overall well-being.  

Engaging in self-care activities to improve your physical and mental health. You can try:

  • Relaxation techniques like yoga, mindfulness, and meditation to reduce stress.  

  • Journaling can provide emotional relief

  • Maintaining social connections through local walking or hiking groups are great for overall health and wellbeing

  • Simple activities like walking can boost your mood and physical health. Taking a step outside for a short walk, even if its only for 20-30 minutes, can greatly improve your wellbeing.

    These practices can promote relaxation and mental clarity, helping you stay balanced and healthy. 

Often the stresses of work, life and family can take its toll on your mental health.  

Talking to someone outside of the family can be a helpful way to discuss your feelings.  

This allows you to share your thoughts with someone other than your veteran family member, who may also be facing their own mental health challenges. 

Mental Health support for yourself or an immediate family member is available through:

Looking after your Mental Health 

Beyond Blue
Call 1300 224 636 

Offers support for anxiety, depression, and suicide prevention.

Psychologists & Counsellors

Professional help can offer strategies and support for mental health challenges. Contact us if you would like to make an appointment with our DVA informed psychologist.  

GP Mental Health Care Plans

Veterans may be able to book an appointment with a GP. Contact us on 1300 129 465 for more information. 
Family members and spouses, you may be eligible to access mental health services through your general practitioner.  

Call 13 11 14

Provides 24/7 crisis support and suicide prevention services.

Looking after yourself is essential. By staying active, caring for your mental health, connecting with your community, managing your finances, and using available support services, you can ensure a healthier, more balanced life for yourself and your loved ones.

Veteran Spouse self care

In this podcast, Alex Lloyd interviews Royal Australian Navy veteran Kasey Mumford, CEO of Provocatus Pty Ltd.

Life on the Line tracks down Australian military veterans and records their stories. Kasey Mumford was an officer in the Royal Australian Navy. She deployed to Timor, the Arabian Gulf and was on HMAS Manoora during the MV Tampa incident in 2001. Kasey spoke with Alex Lloyd for Season 5’s final episode.

Listen to the Life on the Line Australian Military Veteran Podcast

“We are really passionate about providing equitable access to Veterans who are looking for alternate treatment for chronic pain.”

-Kasey Mumford, CEO Provocatus

Building a strong support network is essential. 

Connect with local groups and create a community both within and outside the veteran sphere. 

Joining local groups and participating in community activities helps you meet new people and stay engaged. 

Your local RSL offers valuable support and a sense of belonging. Keeping in touch with friends and family ensure you have a robust support system to rely on. 

Additional support

Keeping on top of finances

Financial stability is crucial for well-being.  

Managing your finances effectively by creating and sticking to a budget to keep track of your expenses.  

Use resources like the Australian Government’s MoneySmart program for financial planning and advice. This helps you stay organized and in control of your financial health.

Additional support services

Carer Gateway 
Provides practical information and resources 
Contact: 1800 422 737 

Carers Australia 
Offers support, services and advocacy. 
Contact: 1800 242 636  

Veteran families may also be able to access various healthcare benefits, including support for medication costs under the Medicare Safety Net.  

Through the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) and the Repatriation Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (RPBS), veterans and their families can receive medications at concessional rates.  

The Medicare Safety Net also provides extra financial relief for some out-of-pocket medical expenses, making essential healthcare services more affordable for veterans and their families. 

For more information on managing medicine costs and available benefits, check out the Manage Medicine and Keep Costs Down page on the Department of Veterans' Affairs website. 

Veteran families, medication and the Medicare safety net 

-Nigel RN, Veteran Access Scheme Manager at Provocatus Pty Ltd

“I would have saved my family thousands of dollars in the last 10 years had I learned I’ve learned in the last six months working with Provocatus.”

Nigel McIntosh RN

Veteran family members can receive a range of benefits to support themselves and their families. 

These include: 

  • Service pensions for partners and children

  • Acute support packages for families in challenging circumstances

  • Compensation for dependents of injured veterans

  • Bereavement payments

  • Support for children of Vietnam veterans and 

  • Educational assistance for student dependents.

Financial Support for Veteran Families


  • Veteran families can access a variety of healthcare support services through the Department of Veterans’ Affairs: 

    - Medical and Specialist Services 

    - Mental Health 

    - Acute Support Package 

    - Community Nursing or Home Care 

    - Rehabilitation and Wellness 

    For more details visit the DVA Health Services page and the Support for Families page.

  • Veteran families have access to various educational benefits through the Department of Veterans’ Affairs: 

    Veterans’ Children Education Scheme (VCES) 

    Military Rehabilitation and Compensation Act Education and Training Scheme (MRCAETS) 

    Education Entry Payment  

    Additional Support: allowances, rent assistance, special assistance and counselling services for students. 

    For more details visit the DVA Education Schemes page and the Education Entry Payment page on the DVA website. 

  • Veteran families can access a variety of financial support services through the Department of Veterans’ Affairs. These include: 

    Service Pension 

    Acute Support Package 

    Bereavement Payments 

    Compensation for Dependants 

    Pensions for Orphans and Widows/Widowers 

    For more detailed information please visit the Support for Families page and the Acute Support Package page on the DVA website. 

  • There are several support services available for veteran spouses through the Department of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA): 

    Counselling and Mental Health Support 

    Open Arms – 1800 011 046 

    Lifeline – 13 11 14 

    1800Respect – 1800 737 732 

    Financial Support 

    Service Pension for Partners 

    Bereavement Payments 

    Acute Support Package 

    Practical Support 

    Veterans’ Home Care 

    For more details on these services, you can visit the Support for Families and Veterans’ Home Care (VHS) pages on the DVA website. 

Support is available for veterans and their families. 

If you need more information, would like to book a consultation for a veteran spouse or family member or are looking to connect, please contact us on 1300 129 465 or email us at